28 October 2024
New Leaflet Series Launch
Psoriasis Awareness Week 2024 is here!![](https://www.psoriasis-association.org.uk/pictures/PAW24/~jDWkWkDDDDWkWk25/Scalp_Psoriasis_Cover_Photo.jpg)
To start the week, we’re excited launch a new, and updated Scalp Psoriasis leaflet.
It is the first in a series of reimagined leaflets, aiming to provide up-to-date information, practical advice, and visual support for the psoriasis community.
The leaflet has been updated using photographs from our successful "Psoriasis On The Skin" photoshoot which took place earlier this year.
The aim of the shoot was to capture real-life images of psoriasis on all areas of the body, across a variety of skin types, tones, genders and ages. These images show psoriasis in an authentic way, raising awareness of the condition and displaying the variation in its presentation.
The leaflet is now available to view and download online here.
Keep an eye out for further releases in the series, which cover different types of psoriasis and treatment options.
For more information on scalp psoriasis, visit the webpage or check out the leaflets and information sheets section of our website, for more resources.