Zobias' Story

Taking steps to lead a healthier lifestyle, including reducing alcohol intake, eating a balanced diet, and exercising more, has helped Zobias to regain control of his psoriasis and feel more confident in his skin.

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My name is Zobias and I was diagnosed with psoriasis over a decade ago. I had plaque psoriasis spread over 50% of my arms surface area and partially down my legs and feet. Likewise, for so many it took a while to understand and even get a diagnosis for a disease that not only affects the immune system but is also suppressed in society with the amount of knowledge, teaching and awareness out there for the wider population to consume.

For me having psoriasis at a young age was a great barrier in feeling confident in my own skin. We all make up stories in our head that we believe, have certainty about and they shape who we are, but they are not always true. In my teen years it was feeling a certainty that if anyone saw the red patches on my skin they would think or feel differently towards me, in a negative way. This had an impact on some of my social interactions and behaviours. I was paranoid in any situation where my skin was on show, staying over at friends became a secret mission to hide my medications and body, it affected my intimate relationships, subsequently not unlocking my full potential as a human being.

The behaviours and beliefs that this gave me was that I had to find a quick fix, loading up on steroid cream daily, buying fad creams and ointments online, even buying a at home UVB light, putting those black light repellent goggles on, and diving right into home UVB treatment without consultation from anyone.

Psoriasis greatest triggers for me were stress, heat, and a bad diet. I hit a point in my life about 3 years ago where I stopped trying to find quick fixes and decided to take back control of my life and changed what I could control. My limiting beliefs I had falsely made myself believe as a teen needed destroying, changing, and replacing. I started opening up towards others around me about my condition and their reactions were nothing like the ones I was feeling certain about before, but came from a supportive, understanding and caring place. I also took control of my diet, implementing a routine that consisted of less alcohol, severely cutting out processed food, drinking lots of water and exercising. Alcohol and food were a place for me to go experience short term pleasure, but the effects it was having to my skin long term was painful.

We as humans are all looking for quick pleasure hits and that is just natural, our society today has programmed us that way unfortunately. But it is in our interest to start recognising these patterns immediately and if they don’t serve us and our long-term goals, they need to be replaced, for me different beliefs, a healthier diet and better exercise was the pathway to me being virtually psoriasis free. I cannot put across the extent of which these three factors influenced a full and healthy recovery.

Read more real-life stories from young people living with psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis.