
There are many treatments for scalp psoriasis, but if you do not need to treat your scalp actively, you can still use a regular shampoo and conditioner.

Remember, coconut oil is great for softening plaques and is a great hair conditioner - making it feel smooth and look shiny.

Click here for more information on scalp psoriasis.


There’s no reason why you shouldn't use products such as gel, wax, mousse or hairspray on your hair, as long as they don’t sting. Plenty of people with dry or sensitive scalps, or dandruff, have to pay attention to this too!

If you use wax or gel, the product will only touch the hair anyway, not the scalp. It’s fine to straighten or curl the hair, but try not to pull too hard, as this can cause unnecessary tension when your scalp is inflamed.


Traditionally, people with scalp conditions have been told not to dye their hair, and it is true that certain dyes can be very harsh on the scalp, especially if you have any open lesions.

That said, there are many people with psoriasis who do dye their hair, As with anything, it's all about figuring out what works for you.

It’s probably best to go and see a hairdresser the first time you dye your hair, and explain your condition. They should have knowledge of what products are out there, and can do a patch test to see how you react to the dye. If all seems OK, then dye away! But use caution - some coal tar shampoos can cause blonde highlights to take on a green tinge, never a good look! If in doubt, check it out with your hairdresser or your doctor.


Walking down the street and checking yourself out in shop windows after you’ve had your hair done is a great feeling, but going to the hairdressers when you have psoriasis can be scary - you know they’re going to have to get up close and personal with your scalp, and you wonder what they’ll say and think.

If this is the case, the best thing to do is to go to a reputable salon (check out their website and have a look at their qualifications and certifications), as they should be more than aware of what scalp psoriasis is and how it needs to be treated. Explain about your condition when you arrive, or even over the phone when you book the appointment. Use their expertise!

These are the people to ask about any and every aspect of hair care and style, they may have some good ideas for products that are good for sensitive scalps and might be able to pass off some tips of the trade.

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