worst flare up ive ever had, treatment?

Posted Tue 31 Jul 2012 01.52 by clarissasissons
i feel i have to cover up my body as i have guttate psorasis on my stomach, breasts, back, legs, arms and scalp, i feel i cannot have a inti

ive had a really bad flare up of my psorasis which has appeared o nmy stomach, back, breasts, legs and arms, sometimes iget it on my face, neck and always have it on my scalp, feeling extremely disheartened and frustrated by the creams my doc has given me, ive had dovobet gel that helped for a few days then it came back, if not worse, my doctor then gave me an antifungal cream daktacort or something, this isnt working either, i just feel they havent really taken me seriously, has anyone experienced any good treatment methods?

Posted Mon 13 Aug 2012 13.23 by faine.margaret.armstrong.loudmouth

i always think people arnt taking me seriously and i hate it but have you tride sebco for the scalp its cleared mine nearly all up if u have a twitter or email i find the other names and send the to u xxx follow me on twitter for advice @fainexloony email loony-4@hotmail.co.uk

Posted Thu 8 Nov 2012 23.48 by El
i have been affected by psoriasis for a lond time, at least it feels like a long time. I had it from when I was 6 or 7, but then it was only

I tried about a hundred creams and none of them seemed to work, only suppress it a little. For some people the tropical creams just don't work. Mine cleared up with light therapy but then came back 2 years ish later. Do you know if the sun helps? Ask your doc about other treatments.

Posted Mon 17 Dec 2012 15.31 by PeacefulParadise
Hi, I'm Ally. I'm 16 years old and I've suffered with psoriasis for 5 years and ever since I was in Year 6 at primary school. At first it s

Hi there, I use the Dovobet Gel, but I have a similar problem with that as you do. I have to keep using it for around 4 times every week and it does get on my nerves having to keep it up to help my psoriasis not flare up. I'm now doing the Light Therapy treatment and I know from a relative that it's helped them and I've seen the positive results he's had from it. It may be worth making an appointment with your dermatologist and discuss your options such as the Light Therapy; if you have psoriasis which has spread widely across your body then they'll most likely put you in for it. Your best bet is seeing a specialist and talking through your different options.

Posted Tue 23 Jul 2013 15.08 by Super_Smiles5
I've suffered with Psoriasis for quite a while now, on most parts of my body.

I use Dermovate, Betnovate C and Silkis on an everyday basis. But when I have a major flare up (usually when I get stressed) I put on a layer of regular Betnovate, and that keeps it at bay. I know how you feel to have a huge flare up, I had one on the back of my neck about a month ago and it was the worst I ever had x

Posted Sun 13 Oct 2013 17.42 by Britneykent
Arms, legs, ears, elbows, knees, face, neck, feet, hands. I have it extremely bad in these places.

my joints hurt a lot on my arms and legs and I had a really bad ear flare up recently

Posted Sun 6 Jul 2014 10.20 by amina_b94

Zeavive cream has been working for me.. Don't know if you've tried it yet. It's an all natural cream, so no harsh chemicals which only suppress the psoriasis temporarily and then lead to these kind of flare ups. Haven't had a single flare up since I've used it and my psoriasis lesions are almost 100% gone. Hope this helps :)

Posted Sat 12 Dec 2015 15.15 by AnnaPhoebe28
Plaque psoriasis - legs and arms covered in lots of spots, face very dry and flaky, and starting to get it worse on my scalp - had a few iss

I've been through many topical treatments that just didn't work for me, so after about a year, the doctor referred me to the hospital where my dermatologist tried me on ciclosporin which helped to make the patches fade, but never quite got rid of them. So after quite a few tests I was moved on to methotrexate. I take it through a weekly injection and it has worked wonders on me. I know what it's like to feel like they aren't taking it seriously, my doctor just kept giving me cream after cream and was oblivious to the fact that nothing was working. But trust me, it will get better, just keep going back to the doctor until they give you something that really works for you :)

Posted Tue 17 Jan 2017 16.10 by rhiannablow
my name is rhianna and i began my stubourn Psoriasis journey 6 years ago being age 10.Dont let something that is apart of you define you xx

Hello everyone I'm 16 years old and had psoriasis since I was 10 waking up head to toe! About 5 months ago I had a huge flare up covering 90% of my body I was put on the waiting list for PUVA treatment and only last week i started the 8 week course I've been put on! All I can say is don't be shy to tell your GP you want light treatment and if they say no carry on pressuring I had to for 4 months until he put me on to the waiting list all my GP gave me before was creams and creams which where not working,I started getting worse mentally as that's the worse way psoriasis effects you in my opinion. If any of you need any advice on anything my instagram dedicated to psoriasis is called diariesofpsoriasis ❤ stay strong ❤

Posted Fri 21 Jun 2019 18.17 by MonyLisa

Salveation by Mama Nature has got rid of all the psoriasis across by back and on the back of my legs. I've always wondered why it has been limited to these areas. I used to use coal tar back in the day but it dried it up too much and was messy although it was good for the itching. Just glad to have found salveation and although I still have some red patches I would say this has been a huge hit.

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